212. The Government may delegate the application of all or some of the provisions of Chapters II, IV, IX and Divisions I and II of Chapter X and of the provisions of Chapter XI relating to the Société, as well as any power necessary for their application, except that of making a regulation under those provisions, to the following bodies:(1) a municipality;
(2) a metropolitan community;
(3) a band council or Indian reserve;
(4) an intermunicipal board;
(5) a public transit authority; or
(6) the Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain.
Ville de Montréal has, for the whole territory of the urban agglomeration of Montréal, jurisdiction to exercise the powers that may be delegated to such a body. It may also delegate all or some of them to the Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain, to the extent that they enter into an agreement for that purpose by which the city renounces the exercise of that jurisdiction. The city designates a member of the judicial record evaluation committee, unless it delegates that power to the Autorité.
The delegation instrument prescribes, where applicable, the manner in which the documents and information necessary for the delegation made under this section are to be transferred or shared.
2019, c. 182019, c. 18, s. 212.